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Web Designer VS Web Developer: A Comparison

While these days it’s pretty common to find job adverts that are aimed at IT specialists who could work on websites, many people still aren’t sure what is the difference between web developer and web designer. These two professions can get confusing, especially if you’re new to the topic! Worry not - in this “web designer VS web developer” comparison, we’ll figure things out.

Naturally, if you’re already adept in the fields of either web development or design, the “web developer VS designer” discussion might seem quite laughable to you. Still, even if that’s the case, do keep in mind that there are things that might still be new even to you!

Finally, if you’ve come here looking to find out about web development or design simply because you’d like to create a website of your own, do note that there are easier ways to go about it - ways that do not require you to have skills in either of those fields. Check out our list of the top website builders, or visit Zyro or Squarespace to learn more.

Web Designer VS Web Developer: Two Quite Different Professions

The first thing that we should establish in this “web designer VS web developer” comparison is that yes - there is a difference between web developer and web designer.

You will probably say - well, isn’t that obvious? I mean, what would be the point of an article like this if there were no differences, right?

While it may seem obvious for some, believe it or not, there are people who still believe that these two professions are actually the same, or at least inherently similar. Alas, that is not the case.

While it is true that, when it comes to web design VS web development, the professionals of these two fields do work together, they are usually concerned with completely different tasks.

Web designer VS web developer: web design examples.

Having said that, though, this is yet another thing that needs to be established straight from the get-go - both of the fields in question are essential for companies that base their business online. While some brands tend to take shortcuts and hire developers to “do all the work”, if you’re trying to run a successful corporate entity, this will not fly, long-term.

With those hopefully-self-evident principles out of the way, let’s move on to discussing the actual differences between web designer VS web developer. The way that we’ll go about doing this is simple - we’ll talk about one first, and then move on to the other in due time.

First up - web designers.

Web Design - The Art of Creating Beautiful and Interactive Websites

Online, there are seemingly endless numbers of different “web designer VS web developer” guides and tutorials. Everyone’s trying to explain this comparison in the simplest and most straightforward terms possible.

There’s actually an even simpler way to look at this, though. And it’s all in the name.

A web DESIGNER is a person who - you’ve guessed it - deals with the DESIGN elements of a website. The term “design”, however, does not begin and end with imagery - there’s much more to it.

To put it in a short and very blatant manner, when it comes to “web designer VS web developer” comparisons, web designers are people who are concerned with the ‘user’ side of the website - in other words, how a user (or - site visitor) feels about the website upon visiting it.

As you’re probably aware, as with any other profession in the job market, there are certain specific types of web designers out there. Three, to be exact - UI, UX and visual ones. This is somewhat reminiscent of web developers, too - this group of people is also segmented into three separate groups. We’ll get to that in due time, though - first, let’s address the web designer categories.

UI Designers - Those Concerned With the User Interface

UI” stands for “user interface”. Before moving on with the “web developer vs web designer” comparison, we should probably first figure out what an interface is, so that we’re both on the same page.

Look at our website - that’s right, the one that you’re currently in, reading this article. Do you see the different menu options at the top right of the screen? What about the different sections on the right? I do hope that our designers won’t change the locations of the above-mentioned things after I write this article - that would be awkward.

Web designer VS web developer: a person writing on a laptop.

That aside, all of this is considered to be the interface. Other platforms actually possess even more-obvious interfaces - think Amazon, Facebook or Slack.

So, to make a point in this “web designer VS web developer” article, a UI designer is a professional who’s concerned with how (and where, to an extent!) the interface is placed on the website, how the user interacts with it, and so on. It’s a very visually-driven career path - the interface doesn’t only need to be well-designed, but also attractive to the eye and also inviting, too.

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UX Designers - User Experience is King!

Next up in this “web developer VS web designer” comparison, we have UX designers.

UX” stands for “user experience”. As the name likely implies, these web designers are mostly concerned with how the users FEEL when they visit your website.

The major difference between UI and UX designers is that UI professionals are more-visual people, while UX designers are more data-driven. These people are going to make sure that your website’s layout is optimized for the perfect user experience, and that everything is where it’s supposed to be.

Visual Designers - The “Full-Stackers” of Web Design

Admittedly, “visual design” isn’t as popular of a term as, say, “full-stack developer”. Still, if you were to draw comparisons between the two professions in this “web designer VS web developer” article, these two would be the equivalent of each other.

Visual designers combine the arts of UI and UX into a single profession. In other words, a visual designer is going to be a person who’s concerned with both the user experience and user interface aspects of the website.

Web designer VS web developer: a web designer designing something on a computer.

This job position requires a combination of some logical thinking, analytical skills, and an inept artistic sense. That’s not a common combination to be had!

Either way, in regards to the designer part of this “web developer VS web designer” comparison, visual designers are among the most sought-after professionals - it’s probably obvious why that’s the case, too.

Web Developers - The Magicians Behind the Curtain

To move on with our web developer VS designer comparison, let’s now discuss the developer side of things.

In general, web developers are the people who “work behind the curtain”. What this basically means is that their work usually has no visual result that would be visible to the visitors of the website.

Having said that, without developers, there would be no website, in general - that’s where the “magician” part comes in.

Web designer VS web developer: web developer working on some code.

To put it short-and-simple, web developers create everything concerning the functionality aspect of the website - these people make the buttons work as they’re intended to, and also take care of the well-being of the site (uptime, DDoS attacks, etc.).

As noted earlier on in the “web designer VS web developer” tutorial, same as designers, web developers are also segmented into three different categories - front-, back-end and full-stack devs. Let’s take it one at a time, and talk about the responsibilities of each of these professionals.

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Front-End Developers - The Beauty Aspect of the Site

When it comes to web devs, the different categories that these people specialize in are actually quite simple to remember, since the names kind of give them away.

Front-end developers are devs that concern themselves with the front side of the website - in other words, with the parts of your site that the users (visitors) will see upon visiting it.

Front-enders work with HTML and CSS (sometimes, there’s JavaScript involved, too, but that’s not mandatory to know in order to apply for a front-end developer position). If you came into this “web designer VS web developer” comparison knowing anything about programming languages, you’ll also be aware of the responsibilities of these developers, too.

Basically, front-end developers work on the buttons, pop-ups, banners, and everything else that’s visually-driven on the website. While designers take care of the placement and general layout of these things, front-end devs make sure that everything is working as it should. As you can imagine, the two above-mentioned professions are quite close, working together-wise.

Back-End Developers - The Functionality Aspect of the Site

One of the more important things to know when considering the difference between web developer and web designer is the fact that back-end developers are probably the most popular group of devs on the job market. Well, right after full-stackers.

Back-end developers are the people that take care of the well-being of a website. These people are (usually) equipped with a wide variety of different programming languages - everything from Python and Java, all the way up to C++ and Ruby.

Web designer VS web developer: a group of people discussing web development.

Back-enders create that actual, functional aspects of the website, and get it up and running from a coding point of view. To put it into perspective for this “web designer VS web developer” comparison, you could say that back-end development is the most essential part of any website, since it’s the thing that actually creates the site itself.

Full-Stack Developers - Master of Both Worlds

As you might have gathered from the remarks made earlier on in the “web developer VS designer” comparison, full-stack development is probably one of the most sought-after and revered job positions in the IT industry.

Full-stack developers combine the skills and - by extension of that - responsibilities of both front- and back-end developers. What this means is that full-stackers manage and take care of both the visual and the functional sides of a website.

Web designer VS web developer: a web developer working on a project.

Naturally, as you can imagine, this involves knowing and being proficient in many different programming languages - 3-4, at a minimum. However, that’s surely not enough - you have to understand that, in regards to a “web designer VS web developer” comparison, full-stackers have the highest amounts of responsibilities and tasks.

That said, they are also the best-paid professionals on this list, too.

Looking to Create a Site? There is an Easier Way to Go About it!

Now that you’re aware of the differences between web design VS web development, allow me to address something I’ve mentioned in the introductory part of this article.

If you’ve come to this comparison while on a broader search of how to create a website, you should know that this can be done without the help of a web developer or designer - in fact, you can do it all yourself.

How, you may ask? Simple - with the help of a website builder.


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Table: Squarespace, Weebly and Shopify

Website builders are tools that were specifically designed for people who aren’t web designers or devs - frankly, for those who have no prior knowledge or experience in either of those topics. They’re amazing tools in that regard!

Well, as long as you choose the right builder for yourself, that is. Here are some of the more popular and overall-better suggestions:

  • Squarespace. An industry-leading website builder, Squarespace offers users amazing templates, superb functionality and it’s also very easy to use, too. All of that for the cost of as low as $12 per month!
  • Zyro. If you want some modern website builder features to utilize in your website creation process (i.e. a heatmap of your site, or an AI writer), then Zyro is the way to go. The prices for the builder start at $1,30 per month - that's insanely affordable!
  • Weebly. Weebly is one of the simpler website builders out there - in the best way possible! It’s super beginner-friendly, and will thus suit almost everyone. Great designs, a huge count of apps - and there’s a free version available, too! The prices start at $5 per month.
  • Shopify. Shopify is often considered to be one of the best website builders for eCommerce. For good reasons, too - the builder is very simple to use, and offers all of the essential and intricate features that you’d need for a full-fledged eCommerce platform. Prices start at $29 per month.

The “web designer VS web developer” comparison aside, if you’re interested, do check these builders out - perhaps they’ll allow you to create your dream site?


As of this point, you should now be aware of the core differences between web design and web development. As you can probably tell by now, those differences are quite noteworthy!

Thanks for reading this “web designer VS web developer” comparison, and I do hope that you’ve learned something new! Do remember to check out some of the best website builders (whether it be Squarespace, Zyro, or else) to create a website of your own.

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Recent User Reviews


Super information about web development & web design. Really appreciated BitDegree!!!

Wonderful info ❤️

Thanks for providing such wonderful and meaningful information. Looking forward to more articles just like this one!!

Web designer, developer

I thought they are totally the same profession lmao


[those differences are quite noteworthy]


they simply work together

Informative breakdown ;)

Thanks for the encouraging, informative breakdown, looking forward to a change of career!

Salary data

It would be great if we can see the salaries and compare them ty

Acording to Ash...

I want to do both because as Ash Ketchum says: I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST, THAT NO ONE EVER WAS :D


I originally wanted to be a programmer but found I enjoyed the web development side more and want to learn more about the design side.. Thanks for these articles and giving good insight!

Encouraging article

This is really encouraging. I am primarily working as a developer (native iOS) but also thinking about delving into the world of design.


Thanks!!! A long time confusion is cleared now ❤️

I have a question

... Can't a web designer create a website himself?


" full-stackers " ....D

Well done!

You explained everything briefly and in detail. Well done!

Thank you

Thank you for this article. Very useful for me. Keep writing!

What should I learn first?

I've got a question, should I start learn HTML and CSS first before jumping over to JavaScript to become a succesful front web developer?

Only time will tell

I’m so interested in Web/Graphic Design and I’m stuck doing something completely unrelated. I wish I had the confidence to pursue it!

Might be rude but...

Web designer is a useless profession. Most of the real work is on the web developer's shoulders

Good explanation!!

Good explanation about web developer and web designers.. Really good understanding of those different roles... All the best


I need a reliable online course to learn CSS and HTML. Who can help me with this


What are the main differences between web designer VS web developer?

The core differences between web designer VS web developer lie in the fact that designers are professionals who take care of the visual side of the website. In other words, they work with the parts of the website that the user is going to see and interact with. Web developers, on the other hand, are concerned with the functionality aspects of the site. However, you don't need to hire either one of these experts to build a site for yourself - if you're going to use a website builder, that is.

Do you need web designers and web developers to create a website?

In a very general sense of the word, no. Web designers and developers are people who get hired by companies that are aiming to create some huge-scale websites for their businesses - since these websites tend to be very complex and intricate, they require devs and designers to help create and maintain them. For your average person, however, this is not the case - it's much easier and much, MUCH more affordable to create a website using a website builder.

What are the benefits of using the top website makers?

The most obvious benefit of using the top website makers is simplicity. You are likely to never encounter a problem that wouldn’t have an obvious solution that you could implement in just a few minutes time (and even if you were, there’s always customer support). Further benefits include awesome website design, built-in search engine optimization (SEO) kits, easily manageable eCommerce features, and so on.

What sets MyBestWebsiteBuilder apart from other top website builders reviews sites?

The team of MyBestWebsiteBuilder is focused on one thing, and one thing only - to provide the reader with the most accurate, factual and experience-proven information about the top website builders in the current market. We do not aim to compare or compete with other review websites - it is not in our best interest. Instead, we strive to prove that manually testing each single website maker and combining that information with user reviews is the most optimal way to provide correct and unbiased information about the top website builders.

Is it easy to create a website with the top website builders?

Generally, website makers are known for being extremely easy to use. That’s actually their whole initial deal - while website constructors such as WordPress could be intimidating for anyone who doesn’t have any technical knowledge of the topic, best website makers aim to solve this problem by offering users the ability to create their website in a single afternoon.

Can I use a website maker to create an online shop?

Yup - most of the time you definitely can. In fact, it’s actually a really big selling point for a lot of the top website makers out there - you will see providers advertise the fact that you can set up a dropshipping business on your website in just a few clicks of the mouse! Usually, processes such as shipping fees and transactional details are already taken care of by the website builders themselves.