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The Importance of Website Layouts

When you think about creating a website, what are the first things that pop to mind? For many, these would include web hosting, builder choices, and similar ones. Before thinking about content and social media links, though, you should also consider your website layouts - in other words, what your site is going to look like.

Admittedly, while it’s not really a huge priority when you’re just starting out and looking at how to create an actual website with a builder or a CMS, it’s still something that should be on your mind, nonetheless. It takes 0,05 seconds for a user to decide whether or not they like your website[1] - 0,05 seconds!

I probably don’t need to tell you this, but your website layout design plays a huge part in this decisionmaking process.

In this article, we’ll discuss some general things to keep in mind when thinking about your website layouts, and I’ll also give you a few examples of site that have done it right, too.

Andrew Mallonee

Founder of Mallonee Media

Do you have any tips for those building a website by themselves?

The best advice for those building their website is to know at the outset how much time you want to spend learning and working on your site. This will help you determine the best website builder for you. Do lots of research, something easy to use will be less customizable, but you will save time. Website builders that are very customizable will give you more room to grow your site and make it unique but will take more time to learn.

Why are Website Layouts Important?

To begin talking about website layouts and web layouts ideas, we should probably address the main question right away - why should anyone be looking to use the best website layouts on their platforms?

In other words, why are website layouts even important, in the first place?

For starters, refer to the statistical data mentioned in the introductory part of the article - if your user makes up their mind about your site in 5 milliseconds, there’s little room for error to be had.

The layout of your site isn’t even going to “add” to the visitor’s experience - frankly, it’s going to make up the bigger part of it.

Website layouts: a woman working at a computer.

Now, you might be inclined to think that things like images, text box sizes and their locations are among the leading culprits when it comes to the visitor liking or disliking your site - to an extent, that’s true. That said, if all of those things are placed randomly throughout the page, well… That doesn’t really make things better, now does it?

Initial reactions aside, website layouts are also important simply because of the overall user experience. This includes everything from more-trivial matters such as “eye-candy” images, up to the user actually being able to find the information that they are looking for in an easy manner.

Finally, the layout of your website, whether you want it or not, conveys a certain message about your brand. To have a better understanding of what I mean, you can just visit one of the more popular websites on the web, such as Facebook or Amazon - they have very distinct layouts, and are immediately recognizable.

General Rules of Thumb Concerning Website Layouts

As with any other element in your site creation process, crafting high-end website layouts can be a pretty daunting task. Having said that, though, there are some general rules of thumb that you could follow, and that will help you generate some unique web layouts ideas.

1. The “F” Pattern

When researching website layouts and what’s the best way to go about creating one of your own, you might encounter a term “‘F’ pattern”.

To be frank, it’s a great rule to follow both when thinking about website layout ideas, and also about the location (also - formatting) of your content in the specific layout of your choice.

Website layouts: a man designing a website layout.

The “F” pattern refers to our natural eye movement (attention) pattern when we visit a website and read some information on it. Following this specific pattern, you can optimize the content on your page so that the “attention points” display only the most relevant information, and also some calls to action.

Naturally, the “F” pattern will also influence the website layouts that you might choose to employ on your site. Truth be told, a huge number of the best website layouts utilize this pattern!

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2. Simplicity is Key

Nowadays, it’s rather common to encounter sites that have super-intricate layouts. These could range from everything from video-based intros and interactive, flashy menu options, all the way to some state-of-the-art drop-down menus and alternative scrollable windows.

All of that is fine and dandy - really, the more unique your site is, the more memorable it will be to the user, too. There is but one, single rule that you should always keep in mind, though - simplicity is always something that you employ on your site.

Website layouts: a group of people discussing website design.

How does simplicity fit into some elaborate, modern website layouts, you may ask? Well, it’s actually quite simple (yes, I did that in purpose), really - most people are used to a specific site pattern. Meaning, you kind of expect the main menu to be at the top of the page, the search bar to be located top-right or in the middle, and so on.

If you were to refer to the website layout design best practices, you’d do well to keep things that way, too.

Imagine visiting a site that has the main menu all the way at the bottom of the page, or which menus are created in a way that they only pop up if some specific conditions are met. Needless to say, that’s a nuisance, to put it lightly.

3. Section Placement is Important

Now, you might think that this is something that’s quite obvious, but alas - that’s often not the case. 

No matter what type of a site it is that you’re trying to create, and whether it’s an eCommerce-based platform or not, the location of your specific sections should always be carefully chosen.

Do keep in mind, though, that’s I’m not talking about the visual aspect of the matter - the sections can surely be intricate and interactive! Instead, when thinking about section placement in your website layouts, you should focus on providing your site visitors with the maximum amount of useful information and inner-links straight from the get-go.

Website layouts: a man ad woman talking about website layouts.

What does this mean? Basically, if you’re currently running a sale and have a banner made that promotes that sale, it should probably be located at the top of the homepage, and also be clickable, too, so that it could direct the user into the actual sale section of your site.

Can you catch my drift?

A high-quality website layout design will have sections integrated into it rather seamlessly. Admittedly, this can prove to be a rather complex task - that’s why professional web designers are so sought after, after all!

Real-Life Website Layout Examples

Now that we’ve covered some of the main “rules of thumb” to follow when thinking about web layouts ideas, let’s move on and take a look at some real-life examples of what we’ve talked about above.

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1. Amazon

Website layouts: Amazon.

As noted earlier on in the tutorial, Amazon has done a great job with their website layout. That’s because of two big reasons - it’s very recognizable, and also user-friendly.

The recognition aspect stems from a combination of the color scheme and the actual layout of the site. The representative black-blue menu at the top of the page, combined with the font of the menu items invoke an undeniable response of “yup, I’m definitely at Amazon!”.

The layout is simplistic in nature, but works very well with Amazon’s business model. While the brand has an impressively-extensive list of menu items for the customer to browse through, they are all tucked away in the sidebars, so that they wouldn’t scare the customer upon first visiting the site.

As far as website layout ideas go, Amazon does a great job of integrating some news and other advertisements into the auto-scrollable horizontal section in the middle of the homepage. It’s a pretty popular design, and it works very well.

2. Squarespace

Website layouts: Squarespace.

While it may seem somewhat ironic to include a website builder company’s homepage layout into this article, Squarespace is a perfect example of one of the currently-popular website layouts - that which utilizes a full-sized photo in the background of the front page.

While this sort of design probably won’t give you any new website layout ideas at first glance, Squarespace does an amazing job of making the image blend into the overall layout of the site. Furthermore, that same image does also serve a purpose to market the brand’s product - a website builder. Very clever!

Squarespace utilizes a minimalistic approach when it comes to the general layout of the page - there aren’t all that many options to explore. Having said that, the options that ARE there have been integrated in creative and clever ways - a great example!

3. Bethesda

Website layouts: Bethesda.

Bethesda is one of the most renowned game development companies in the entire world.

Visting the company’s homepage, you are immediately greeted by their currently-relevant content. As of writing this article, that would be the Fallout series.

The interesting thing about Bethesda’s layout is that it’s basically designed in a way that would both promote the company’s current product, and also provide visitors with useful information surrounding other news, as well.

Scrolling through the page, it’s obvious that Bethesda utilizes different sections for the different types of content that’s available on their site. The brand avoids flashy features, and instead focused on concentrating as much relevant information on the front page as possible.

4. Wikipedia

Website layouts: Wikipedia.

While Wikipedia is a site that most of us visit quite frequently, it’s seldom that people would pay attention to the website layouts that are visible on this site.

Concentrating on the front page, though, it offers an unusual radial menu design. Not only is it unique, but also catches the attention of the user!

Since Wikipedia is most commonly used in order to look up some pieces of information, the search bar is right at the center of the page. The website also features a sterile, simple and welcoming design.

5. Forbes

Website layouts: Forbes.

Forbes is the perfect example of website layout ideas that are aimed at news-related websites, but still promote a clean and organized site design.

Upon visiting Forbes, you could see that - to an extent - the website utilizes the “F” pattern. This is evident when scrolling down the front page - while it’s dominated by images, the textual data is short, concise and to-the-point, while also being concentrated in specific section of the website.

At the top of that page, Forbes has a simple, yet self-evident list of topics that you can browse by using the drop-down menu. A clean way to house a lot of different articles!

The Best Website Builders for a Top-Tier Website Layout

With some examples of great website layouts given, on a final note, it’s worth mentioning some website builders that are going to provide you with the means of creating and utilizing modern and unique layouts on your own site.


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Table: Squarespace, Shopify and WordPress.com

While the builders mentioned below are some of the leading options, there are other ones to check out, too - remember that it all depends on the type of website that you’re aiming to create, and the sort of layout that you’re looking at using.

  • Squarespace. Squarespace offers modern and sleek templates, all of which are optimized for both mobile and desktop use. Each template will come with different website layouts, all of which are customizable to a certain extent. Squarespace’s plan prices start at $12 per month.
  • Zyro. If you want some great eCommerce functionality and modern website layouts and templates, Zyro shouldn't leave you disappointed. An all-around well-made builder, Zyro's prices start at $1,30 per month - a bargain!
  • Shopify. If you’re looking to create an eCommerce platform, there’s frankly no better builder than Shopify to help you with the task at hand. Not only is it super-simple to use, but the builder also has some amazing template and layout choices for you to pick - all of which are optimized for your eCommerce needs. Prices start at $29 per month.
  • WordPress. While the builder option of WordPress is decent, if you want complete freedom with your website layouts and their management, you should look into using WordPress.org. With a bit of know-how and some decent WP plugins, you’ll be able to create any site layout that you can imagine. On top of that, it’s completely free to use - all you need to do is find a website hosting provider.


With that, you should now be more knowledgeable when it comes to different website layouts, and the processes that go into creating the best layouts for your own, specific website needs.

Do check out our list of the industry-leading website builders, and - whether you pick Zyro, Squarespace, or WordPress.org - I wish you good luck in creating the best website layouts that you can!

Andrew Mallonee

Founder of Mallonee Media

Contributed by: Andrew Mallonee , Founder of Mallonee Media

Andrew is a senior specialist application engineer and the founder of Mallonee Media - web development and creative agency taking a slightly different approach to helping clients. They cater to peo...

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Scientific References
✓ Fact Checked | contributed by: Andrew Mallonee , Founder of Mallonee Media

1. Gitte Lindgaard Gary Fernandes Cathy Dudek & J. Brown: 'Attention web designers: You have 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression!'

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This post makes me smarter.

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It answers all my confusion

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Seems like there is a general layout for all the website. Follow it and you are good ;)

simple way to learn basic thing

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Great article

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now i realize

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great site by great layout

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Not bad

Not bad. There is a lot of information and there are even tips.

Good website builder:

A g ood website builder must have good website layouts and templates. This is a simple rule of thumb.

OTher layouts

Sorry I was looking for other layouts btw it was interesting anyway so thank you


Good examples but hard to achieve

great content for beginner

great content to prepare yourself for the best, the information is clear thus easy to understand, thanks for writing this one, aaron

One of the best references

Maybe this article should be included in a guide book maybe a pocket book to teach those people the importance of making their own websites. Thanks!

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I really like how this site also brings out deeper topic like this one, and this is something you have to acknowledge if you want to be a pro.

Not my taste

I dont like when a website is too simple. Not sure about simplicity being a key to something.

Don't know

Big companies spend a lot of money on their website. Ordinary people can't afford to replicate their design ideas.


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Cool post, two thumbs up!!!


What are website layouts?

Website layouts are some specific design elements and object positions that relate to your website - both the homepage, and the rest of the site sections. A proper layout is going to help your readers (customers) to both find what they are looking for on your website, and will also motivate them to stay on your website longer. Most high-end website builders are going to allow you to craft unique and modern website layouts.

How to create the best website layouts?

In order to create the best website layouts that you can, the very first thing that you should do is visit as many high-profile websites as possible, and take some inspiration from them. Frankly, you should concentrate on the types of sites that are going to be similar to what it is that you're trying to do - if you run an eCommerce platform, Amazon and eBay might be two great examples. Once that's done, all that's left is to pick the best website builder for the job, and start creating!

What are the benefits of using the top website makers?

The most obvious benefit of using the top website makers is simplicity. You are likely to never encounter a problem that wouldn’t have an obvious solution that you could implement in just a few minutes time (and even if you were, there’s always customer support). Further benefits include awesome website design, built-in search engine optimization (SEO) kits, easily manageable eCommerce features, and so on.

What sets MyBestWebsiteBuilder apart from other top website builders reviews sites?

The team of MyBestWebsiteBuilder is focused on one thing, and one thing only - to provide the reader with the most accurate, factual and experience-proven information about the top website builders in the current market. We do not aim to compare or compete with other review websites - it is not in our best interest. Instead, we strive to prove that manually testing each single website maker and combining that information with user reviews is the most optimal way to provide correct and unbiased information about the top website builders.

Is it easy to create a website with the top website builders?

Generally, website makers are known for being extremely easy to use. That’s actually their whole initial deal - while website constructors such as WordPress could be intimidating for anyone who doesn’t have any technical knowledge of the topic, best website makers aim to solve this problem by offering users the ability to create their website in a single afternoon.

Can I use a website maker to create an online shop?

Yup - most of the time you definitely can. In fact, it’s actually a really big selling point for a lot of the top website makers out there - you will see providers advertise the fact that you can set up a dropshipping business on your website in just a few clicks of the mouse! Usually, processes such as shipping fees and transactional details are already taken care of by the website builders themselves.