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Email hosting has, admittedly, become one of the most sought-after forms of hosting, together with domain and web hosting, in general. Individuals and businesses are looking for the best email hosting providers, for a variety of reasons - security, scalability, simplicity, and so on.

If you’re one of those people who are interested in individual or business email hosting, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I’ll tell you a bit about email hosting, in general, and then name 7 of the best email hosting providers of the current year!

Our list today will look like so:

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Best Email Hosting, and Why it Matters

In order to start things off on the right foot, we need to make sure that we’re on the same page here. In order to do so, let’s have a quick brush-up on what is individual and business email hosting, in general.

As the term itself suggests, email hosting happens when you host your email account on a designated server. This server could either be hosted by you, or some specific, professional hosting company - in this article, we’re going to focus on the latter.

Truth be told, self-hosting an email server isn’t really advised. This is mostly due to scalability and security issues that can arise from doing so. Email hosting requires a lot of resources, and since, oftentimes, you’re going to receive a dedicated IP address whilst hosting your email with one of the best email hosting providers, you can probably see why this is a better idea.

When thinking about those aforementioned best email hosting providers, you should also keep in mind that there are a few types of email-related hosting services that they might offer. Some hosting sites do have specific, email-dedicated hosting services, while others integrate these services into their shared hosting plans - we’ll encounter both types of web hosting providers.

Best email hosting: a man typing on a laptop.

Now, a common notion that people have is that, if an email hosting service is integrated into one of the web hosting company’s shared (or another type of) hosting plans, it’s a lesser alternative to those brands that have dedicated email hosting. That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case!

A good rule of thumb here is to take a look at the company's overall reputation as a web hosting provider, and the email server hosting-specific features that it offers. By doing so, you will be able to get a better understanding of what to expect, and will be able to determine whether or not the integrated email hosting solution is right for you.

With all of that being said, we can now move on to the actual list of the best email hosting services of the current year. We’ll take a look at the providers from an overall perspective, and then we’ll check to see what types of email hosting-specific features they offer.

1. Bluehost - Professional Email Hosting with Microsoft 365

Ranks #1 out of 7 Hosting Providers

Verified Staff Pick

63% Off

Discount for Bluehost Hosting

Grab this special intro offer and receive 63% off Bluehost discount for its web hosting services. Pay as low as $2.95/mo. Offer applies for the first term only.

Expiration date : 29/03/2025
2910 People Used
Only 90 Left

Bluehost is one of the web hosting providers that do offer its users a dedicated, best email hosting option. This is actually quite notable, seeing as the company in question is also often considered to be one of the best website hosting brands in the entire industry.

This reputation doesn’t come lightly, though. Bluehost provides its users with a wide array of different features and benefits, many of which are shared between its website and email hosting services.

From the web hosting side of things, Bluehost is universally praised for its uptime and ease of use factors. Uptime-wise, Bluehost provides customers with numbers that range around the 99,94% mark. This, in turn, is quite above the industry average of 99%, and is thus much appreciated!

Following that, Bluehost is also very beginner-friendly. No matter if you’re looking for the best email hosting, specifically, or some shared web hosting services to complement that, you can be sure that you won’t have any difficulties getting started with Bluehost. Great!

Now, what about the email server hosting part of the company’s services?

Best email hosting: Bluehost.

Well, Bluehost provides its users with professional Microsoft 365 email hosting. Meaning, you will be able to host and create a branded email for your company or business, and will also receive all of the features associated with Microsoft 365.

Choosing Bluehost’s version of the best email hosting, you will be able to utilize things such as large amounts of email and OneDrive storage, Outlook, booking and calendars, and all of the different features of Microsoft 365 (Teams, Online, Desktop, and more).

A point worth mentioning, though, is that Bluehost’s email hosting options are only available with a web hosting plan - meaning, you would have to purchase one of the company’s shared hosting (or other type of hosting, too) plans in order to then be able to buy one of the email server hosting plans.

On top of that, another point worth stressing is that your site and general server speed (depending on what it is that you will choose to host) might fluctuate by quite a bit. This is because Bluehost houses all of its servers within the US - if you’re not located within the country in question, you might experience some slower loading speeds.

What is the Price of Bluehost Email Hosting?

Bluehost’s email hosting services are priced like so:

Once again, I’d like to remind you - all of these plans are available with the condition that you’ve already purchased a hosting plan!

As far as the pricing is concerned, though, there aren’t really all that many user complaints in this regard - the price tags fit the quality of service that you’ll receive! Surely one of the best email hosting companies around!

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2. Hostinger - Super-Affordable Email Hosting

Ranks #2 out of 7 Hosting Providers

Verified Staff Pick

90% Off

Single Web Hosting + Free SSL

We know it sounds too good to be true but with this Hostinger coupon you can receive amazing 90% off single web hosting + get an SSL certificate for FREE!

Expiration date : 26/03/2025
3091 People Used
Only 9 Left

Every single web hosting provider on this list has some sort of a reputation that they’ve managed to build for themselves over the years of offering users web and email server hosting services.

What’s the reputation of Hostinger, you ask? Well, it’s truly a peculiar one - Hostinger is often referenced as one of the best email hosting providers, simply due to the fact that the company has some amazing features and email hosting services, for some incredible prices.

By choosing Hostinger, you will be able to use the Titan professional email tool together with your domain. This particular tool is loaded with different features - ones that both individuals and companies are bound to appreciate quite a bit!

I’ve mentioned that Hostinger’s email server hosting plans come packed with a huge array of features - that’s true! Even with the entry-level plan, you can expect things such as antivirus checks, spam filters, calendar and contacts (that’s probably a given, though), multiple device support, simple existing email and contact imports, and a few others.

Best email hosting: Hostinger.

As far as Hostinger’s more-general features go, the company has some decent shared hosting uptime and site speed stats. With Hostinger, you can expect an uptime of around 99% (and above), and site loading speeds in the realm of 1,2 seconds.

Furthermore, while it may not be directly related to the topic of the best email hosting, it’s still worth mentioning that Hostinger is also often considered to be among the most beginner-friendly web hosting platforms on the entire market.

I can attest to that myself! I’ve used Hostinger’s services quite extensively, and from all that I’ve seen, the platform truly does come off as being super-simple to use, and straightforward in regards to even the more-complex features.

Evidently, this does translate to the business email hosting side of the platform, too. If you’ve never used any email or web hosting services before, you can be sure that Hostinger is going to be a great first pick, simplicity-wise.

What is the Price of Hostinger Email Hosting?

If you decide that Hostinger is the best email hosting provider for your wants and needs, the prices that you can expect to pay for the email hosting plans are:

I think those numbers do a good job of speaking for themselves - as far as business email hosting is concerned, you would struggle to find a better-priced hosting provider!

The above-seen Enterprise plan will grant you all of the features of the Business one, and in addition to that, you will also receive more email storage, unlimited filters, and 50 different email aliases. Considering the price, it’s truly an amazing bargain!

Evidently, Hostinger is truly a great choice, both for beginners and business owners looking for the best email hosting services available on the market. Good stuff!

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3. GoDaddy - Professional, Feature-Heavy Email Hosting

Ranks #3 out of 7 Hosting Providers

If you’ve been around the website hosting (and building!) industry for some time now, you have undoubtedly heard about GoDaddy, at one point or another. It is undoubtedly one of the best-known web hosting providers out there, and also a true industry veteran, too!

GoDaddy’s longevity can be accredited to a lot of different things, but probably one of the more-notable of these would be the fact that the company actually offers a wide assortment of services to its customers. They include things as different types of web hosting, a website builder, and - obviously - some of the best email hosting services.

In a general sense, GoDaddy has all of the essential tools that a hosting provider might need to attract a loyal customer base. The uptime and site speed stats of the company’s shared hosting plans are very decent (99,93% and 1,3 seconds, respectively), the services are simple to use and rather approachable, and the customer support team is knowledgeable and helpful, too!

Best email hosting: GoDaddy.

When it comes to the best email hosting services, though, GoDaddy is considered to be a great choice for businesses and larger firms that need professional email hosting. You will be able to use custom-named (domain-specific) email accounts that are full of useful and high-end features.

What are those features, you may inquire? Well, naturally, you can expect things such as plan-dependent increasing email storage, device syncing, up to 400 different aliases, online-based calendars, and so on. That aside, there are also features such as shared document editing on iOS and Android devices, file storage security, Microsoft Office apps, and more.

All in all, it’s rather obvious that, as far as the best email hosting providers are concerned, GoDaddy does offer its users a lot of different features! Combine that with the fact that it’s a very reliable and reputable hosting company, and that you can use a wide selection of different services with it, and the hosting provider becomes a viable choice!

What is the Price of GoDaddy Email Hosting?

If you’ve decided that GoDaddy is the best email hosting option for you or your business, all that’s left to do is to check out the pricing options available with the brand in question. They are, as follows:

Note that all of the prices seen above are so with the condition that you’re purchasing a 3-year subscription to either of the plans. Even so, though, the pricing options do make sense! They represent the quality of service that you’ll receive rather adequately, and there’s a plan for everybody, no matter the reason why you’re looking for the best email hosting providers!

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4. DreamHost - A Single, Yet Well-Rounded Email Hosting Plan

Ranks #4 out of 7 Hosting Providers

Verified Staff Pick

100% Free

DreamHost Website Builder

Who said that building your website is expensive? With this DreamHost coupon you can start building a website with a DIY website builder completely free!

Expiration date : 27/03/2025
2091 People Used
Only 9 Left

DreamHost is a name that does pop up rather frequently in various user-made lists of the best email hosting providers out there. Let’s take a closer look at why that might be the case.

For starters, DreamHost offers some very decent web hosting services, in general. While the company does state that hosting a site with them isn’t mandatory in regards to purchasing an email hosting plan, if you do choose to do so, you’ll receive a lot of perks.

Naturally, you can expect DreamHost to possess some great uptime and site speed statistics. The former is going to range around 99,91%, while the latter is, admittedly, a bit more tricky.

How is it tricky? Well, put simply, your site loading speeds are going to be very dependent on the region that you reside in. You see, DreamHost only possesses servers that are based in the United States. If you reside somewhere outside of the country, the speed of your website is going to suffer, quite a bit. Something worth keeping in mind!

Best email hosting: DreamHost.

That aside, DreamHost does have a lot of different features to offer to the user! For example, the web hosting service comes with pre-installed WordPress, and will provide you with unlimited amounts of bandwidth, and even a free SSL certificate! In other words, by choosing DreamHost as a preferred web hosting provider, you will be able to host and start creating a fully-fledged website in no time!

What’s a fully-fledged website without proper email server hosting, huh? Well, DreamHost has taken care of that, too - while the company does only provide a single email hosting plan for its users (and not only), it does seem to cover all of the essentials rather nicely.

With the plan in question, you will receive 25GB of email storage, desktop and mobile syncing, and various spam and phishing attempt filters, too. If you’re looking for the best business email hosting service, DreamHost should cover all of the main points that you might require!

On a side note, it’s important to stress that DreamHost does actually have a very generous 97-day money-back guarantee on its web hosting plans, on top of the fact that you can actually purchase the plans in a monthly fashion. What this means is that anybody can basically try out DreamHost, and if they don’t like what they’re receiving, there’s a 3-month-long refund period!

What is the Price of DreamHost Email Hosting?

In this short DreamHost review, we’ve talked about both the company’s web hosting plans and the features that come with them, and also the reasons why DreamHost is often considered to be one of the best email hosting providers on the market. You should have a pretty good idea of what the company is all about!

Now, as mentioned earlier, there is but a single email hosting plan available with DreamHost. That plan looks like this:

With the plan seen above, you will receive all of the features mentioned earlier in the mini-review, and also some additional features, such as an ad-free email.

DreamHost does truly offer a very affordable alternative for the best email hosting - one of the most affordable options on this list, actually!

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5. HostGator - Professional Email Hosting Integrated into Shared Web Hosting

Ranks #5 out of 7 Hosting Providers

HostGator is a very well-known name within the website hosting industry - we’ll get to why that’s the case in just a minute. For starters, you should keep in mind the fact that, with the hosting provider in question, you are only going to be able to use email hosting if you pick and purchase one of the shared hosting plans of the brand.

This might, for a fact, be a deterrent for some people, especially those who already have a web hosting service that they use, or that only need email hosting, in general.

That said, though, allow me to tell you a bit about the shared hosting services that HostGator offers - you might become a fan before you know it!

Uptime- and site loading speed-wise, HostGator is surely at the top of the game - the numbers that represent these criteria are 99,95% and 750-850ms, respectively. Those are some of the best shared hosting stats that you’re bound to come across!

Best email hosting: HostGator.

HostGator is also rather simple to use, and is thus considered to be very beginner-friendly. If this is your first time looking for reliable email server hosting, and you’re still hesitant about trying out a web hosting service, HostGator might be the perfect pick!

This idea is further-enforced by the fact that the company in question has a dedicated website builder service, too, in addition to allowing users to create websites with WordPress. The builder is well-designed, and comes equipped with all of the core features that you’d expect.

Best email hosting-wise, HostGator allows you to create unlimited POP3 email accounts, offers advanced spam filters, and a variety of some higher-end features (lists, aliases, email forwarding, automatic responders, etc.). That’s pretty good!

What is the Price of the HostGator Email Hosting?

As stated at the beginning of our HostGator discussion, there are no separate email hosting plans available with this company - if you want to utilize these types of services, you will have to purchase one of the shared hosting plans that it has to offer. They are going to be priced like so:

While it is, admittedly, a shame that there are no separate email hosting plans available with HostGator, the shared web hosting options are very well-priced! HostGator also offers a 45-day money-back guarantee - that’s awesome! You will be able to try the hosting service out for yourself, and if it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you’ll get a full refund.

All in all, surely one of the best email hosting providers out there!

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6. A2 Hosting - For Small Businesses and Individuals, Alike

Ranks #6 out of 7 Hosting Providers

A2 Hosting is one of the more-interesting web hosting providers on this list. Same as a few other providers in the article, A2 does not provide exclusivebest email hosting servicesas a standalone product - instead, email hosting is integrated together with the company’s shared hosting plans.

Oftentimes, this can prove to be an issue. However, reading through the various A2 Hosting user reviews found online, this does not seem to be the case with the provider in question! Admittedly, this is mainly due to the pricing of the shared hosting plans, but we’ll get to those in a minute.

First, let’s talk about the actual benefits that you can expect to receive by using A2.

As you might come to expect, A2 Hosting can be trusted to provide some of the best uptime and site speed statistics within the entire industry. In regards to uptime, the hosting provider is said to maintain a healthy 99,96% average - that’s really good!

Best email hosting: A2 Hosting.

On the other hand, site speed is where A2 really shines through, though. During our testing process, we found that A2 Hosting can offer you website loading speeds of around 800ms - that’s fantastic!

Among other cool features, you have things such as free website migrations (so you can transfer your existing website to A2, and thus, utilize the company’s best email hosting services) and top-of-the-line customer support. The support team, while sometimes being a bit slow to respond, should be able to answer all of your inquiries, and help out with any potential issue that you might have.

When it comes to email hosting-specific features, A2 provides all of its users with unlimited email addresses, forwarders, auto-responders, spam filters and protection, and more. Judging by the general user feedback seen online, while it may not be ideal for large business email hosting needs, A2 will surely fit any individuals or small companies.

What is the Price of A2 Email Hosting?

If you decide to use A2 Hosting as your primary email hosting provider, the prices for the plans are going to look like so:

As noted earlier, these are the shared hosting plans available with A2 - purchasing one of them, you will receive email hosting services, too. All things considered, the price tags for these plans are actually rather adequate!

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7. InMotion - A Viable Email Hosting Solution

Ranks #7 out of 7 Hosting Providers

While InMotion isn’t necessarily the first name that comes to mind when people think about the best email hosting providers, the company is still considered to be one of the more-viable picks, due to its customer support services and refund policy.

During our tests to see the website loading speed available with InMotion, we found that the numbers can sway anywhere around the 350-550ms mark. That is… Staggering! If your website is optimized enough, and truly manages to reach such loading speeds, that’s extremely valuable - those are some of the best numbers in the industry!

Another feature that might place InMotion on the map for anyone who’s looking for the best email hosting services is the fact that there are free SSL certificates and website transfers available for anyone who chooses to sign up, and purchase a shared hosting plan.

Best email hosting: InMotion.

This way, you are going to be able to transfer an existing site to InMotion, and use this company as your primary hosting provider.

Furthermore, users of the brand’s services appear to be very happy with the customer support agents - the support team is responsive and knowledgeable, and can be reached at any given point in time!

The only notable shortcoming with InMotion would probably be the fact that there are records of some significant uptime fluctuations. If you value uptime more than anything else with your hosting experience, this should be kept in mind! The uptime doesn’t seem to even go down below the 99% mark, though.

What is the Price of InMotion Email Hosting?

Same as a few other companies on this “best email hosting” list, InMotion does not have any separate email hosting plans. Instead, you are going to have to purchase their shared hosting services in order to host an email with them, and receive perks such as spam protection, unlimited storage, and more.

The shared hosting plans are priced like so:

While InMotion might not be the most-affordable hosting provider if you choose the Pro plan, if you decide that it isn’t the right service for you, there’s a generous 90-day money-back guarantee that you can invoke, and get all of your money back.

Visit InMotion
...or read our InMotion review

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By this point, if you’ve read the article thoroughly, you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect out of the best email hosting services on the current market. While the list is, admittedly, quite varied, all of the companies mentioned above are amazing at what they do, and will all provide you with the top-quality services available - good stuff!

As you might have noticed, email hosting is only part of the puzzle - many companies offer the service integrated with their shared hosting plans. If website hosting is something that interests you, do check out our list of the best shared hosting providers on the market!


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Table: Some general information about the Squarespace, Zyro, and Webflow website builders

Furthermore, if you want to keep things simple, you could also just opt to go the website builder route, too! Learning how to create a website doesn’t always have to involve WordPress - there are simpler ways of going about it, and one of the top-rated website building tools are surely going to make your life much easier in that regard!

To finish things off, let me just say - I hope that this list of the best email hosting services was useful to you! Thanks for reading, and good luck with finding the right email hosting provider for yourself!

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Recent Best Email Hosting User Reviews

4.5/5.0 - DreamHost User


The pricing is very affordable. Customer support solved all my issues. I highly recommend them!

4.4/5.0 - GoDaddy Web Hosting User


Best thing about godaddy.... Fast loadings, site never down, I'm really pleased with their service

5.0/5.0 - A2 Hosting User


My WP blog looks amazing on a2 hosting! It was the best option for me, found its way cheaper than others

5.0/5.0 - A2 Hosting User

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4.7/5.0 - DreamHost User

Amazing results

Too easy! Seriously! This hosting is great for people that wants a website but hates to talk with developers or designers, anyone can easily do things with DreamHost and learn among the way.

4.5/5.0 - HostGator Hosting User


Not much to say just that the dashboard is very easy to use, I think it's a game changer for those with no experience.

5.0/5.0 - GoDaddy Web Hosting User

Excellent price

I wasn't sure because it is well known and maybe it looked like a scam. But it is actually a high quality service, my websites run all year long and their customer support is incredibly friendly.

5.0/5.0 - InMotion User

I like the speed.

Just knew about this hosting provider, I like the speed tho, hope the claim is true.

4.4/5.0 - A2 Hosting User

Web builder!

I'm happy with A2, their website builder works great, I saved a lot of money, so the price is fair.

5.0/5.0 - HostGator Hosting User


The business plans are great, I think they offer a lot for a good price, for the website of a big company it pays off!!

5.0/5.0 - InMotion User

I had tried it once, and it's good.

Have subscribed this before and it worked really good, especially the customer service team. They were so helpful. God bless you, Inmotion.

4.4/5.0 - DreamHost User


Since it's not an expensive product I didn't expect much. I contacted customer service to cancel my suscription and in 24 hours I got an answer, I was really glad, and it's great that they are always helpful. Sadly not the option for me.

4.6/5.0 - DreamHost User

Using Dreamhost

It's easy to navegate, I have heard of people switching and then coming back to Dreamhost because it's cheaper. It makes sense, at least with simple websites seems to be a great option.

5.0/5.0 - HostGator Hosting User

Great plans

I'm glad they offer a variety of plans, it worked great for me and my WP blog, their staff is very helpful. No problems so far.

5.0/5.0 - HostGator Hosting User

Amazing uptime!

I love that my website is always live I would say 100% but the price increases with the years, I just hope they accept coupon codes to renew

5.0/5.0 - DreamHost User

We love it

The performance is great, our website is always available and there is no way there is a better provider.

4.4/5.0 - A2 Hosting User

Love it

I feel my site is safe with A2,includes the SSL certificate! And the startup plan was pretty cheap

4.2/5.0 - InMotion User

features are okay, but...

Say yes to the features, say no to 3 years of subcription

5.0/5.0 - Hostinger User

They care

After I bought a plan my site was online the same day, I'm very happy with my purchase.

5.0/5.0 - HostGator Hosting User


Other hostings charged extra for the SSL certificate, because of this and other things like free domain I chose Hostgator.



What is email hosting?

Email hosting is a type of service that allows you to host your email on a specific server, whether it be one that you yourself possess, or one "rented out" from a designated hosting provider. This type of service allows you to retain the security of your business emails, scale them together with your business, and utilize a lot of extra features that are super-useful in a teamwork environment.

What types of email hosting services are there?

The best email hosting services are undoubtedly those that are provided by high-end hosting providers. Such services can come in two forms - designated email hosting, and one that's integrated into a hosting provider's shared hosting plans. An alternative to that would be self-hosted emails, but this path isn't really advisable to take.

What are the main features of the best web hosting services providers?

The two core features that every single web hosting service provider should possess are top-tier uptime statistics, and high site speeds. There is a certain industry benchmark for both of these features, and all of the high-end hosting services should at least reach it. Additional features include automated backups, SSL certificates, unlimited storage, 24/7/365 customer support, and WordPress compatibility.

Can I transfer an already-existing website from one hosting service to another?

Yes, you can! The majority of the high-end website hosting providers will allow you to transfer your website completely free of charge. In most cases, you can also expect the customer support teams of these companies to help you with the transferring process, so that your website would remain intact all throughout it. This service, however, does often end up costing some money - the initial migration process, though, is often free.

Do web hosting services come with integrated website builders?

Some of them do, yes. This is something that solemnly depends on the website hosting service of your choice - the better-known hosting providers do often come with integrated site builders, with some more-prominent examples being Hostinger and HostGator. While the website builder integration is situation-dependent, you can expect the absolute majority of hosting services to support WordPress.

How is MyBestWebsiteBuilder different from other website builder review sites?

MyBestWebsiteBuilder aims to provide reliable and factually-correct information to all of its readers. Whether it be website hosting or the site builders that are related to hosting, in general, we provide readers with well-researched reviews that combine our own, personal experiences & observations with those expressed in the hosting service user feedback left online.